Monday, September 10, 2007

I've Moved!

It was a quick but eventful run with Blogger...but now I'm out on my own:-)

Check out my new blog

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

rSBT v0.2.1 Released and HOT

I have made big changes to rSBT (the app that allows you to reorder the icons on your springboard, and summerboard if you have it).

Check out this video:


Monday, September 3, 2007

Whew...busy night.

Last night was very busy. Mostly due to the new release of SummerBoard... a revolutionary new iphone mod that enables a seemless scrolling springboard.

In the flurry I was able to get put together a version of rSBT that works nicely with SummerBoard. I have added a Third Party section... this section is for the "second page" of summerboard and beyond.

Latest version is 0.1.8. For screenshots and more info:
